Mortgage Loan
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Mortgage Loan
Loan against property
Get a secured loan for your urgent need at a lower interest rate than any other form of loan
A loan against property (LAP) is a secured loan that banks, housing finance companies and NBFCs provide against residential or commercial property. These loans are usually offered at a lower interest rate as compared to a personal loan or business loan and are disbursed at a reasonable time. Anyone with a pre-owned property can avail such loans, whether they are salaried or self-employed in a business or professional setup. The quantum of loan sanctioned is also higher than what may be offered in other available options.
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- Lease Rental Discounting(LRD)
Lease Rental Discounting is a loan that is offered against rental receipts and is available by tenants against leased contracts . This advance is provided to the lessee based on the discounted market price of the rental and the underlying value of the property .You can go for LRD, in case you own a property that renders you fixed rental income.