About Us
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About our business
- We work with clients to develop and implement customized solutions for their specific loan requirements
- Over the years we have built a wide network of relationships with 25 leading banks and financial institutions
- We have worked as loan consultants for both Corporate firms and Individuals , in various domains such as school, real estate, manufacturing companies(steel , electrodes, textile , food ,etc.)
Our founder
CA Sandip Tolasaria has 15 years of experience in Debt Syndication , Retail, Financial services, Project management, Healthcare and payment processing
He has worked in companies like Reliance, ITC, Olam International, Mewar Hospital Pvt Ltd.
Learn More(LinkedIn page in link)
Mission and Vision
Our mission is to build trust among our customers by fulfilling their expectations through innovative solutions and ideas.
Our vision is to be the best consultant in India, providing the fastest and simplest solution to our clients consistently.